Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I have always loved and appreciated my mom, but becoming a mother myself has definitely made me appreciate her even more.  Motherhood is awesome, but exhausting. 

Before we had baby G I swept the kitchen floor once every week or two.  It really didn't get that dirty.  Now I sweep it two or three times a day, and honestly, it probably should be swept more than that.  Part of every snack and meal makes it way to the floor these days. 

Not only does having kids produce much more of a mess, it also makes it ten times more challenging to do the now increased cleaning that needs to be done.  Either I have to wait until he is sleeping, or sweep with a little person literally hanging on my legs, or trying to eat the cheerios out of the dirt pile.

This week I found myself wishing there was a drain in the middle of the room so I could just hose it all down at the end of the day.

But of course every time I look at that little face I know it is worth the hundreds of extra times I will need to sweep the kitchen floor.

This mother's day I am feeling very blessed to be a mother.

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