Monday, September 13, 2010

My Kitchen Renaissance

Becoming a mother has made me want to eat healthier. It didn’t start right away. The first several months I mostly ate cereal or who knows what, I was so exhausted from being up half the night. But now that he is sleeping (kind of) better at night (most days) I find that I have (slightly) more energy. And I am also getting to the point that I want some type of project to focus my attention on during the week that does not relate only to child care. So I am trying to revitalize my kitchen.
When we were newlyweds I made dinner every night. Watching cooking shows and reading cookbooks were my two favorite pastimes. This began to change when I started taking grad classes… then I got pregnant.. had a baby… which brings us to the present day.
This kitchen renaissance began when baby started solids, and I began to dabble in the preparation of fruit and vegetables purees. I found that I was having fun doing it. There is something so satisfying about serving those you love foods that are fresh and that you have made from scratch yourself. And it’s a fun little challenge to make homemade versions of things that are commonly bought ready to eat from the grocery store.
So I am challenging myself to change the way I cook, shop, and eat. I am trying to stick with “whole foods” like fruit, vegetables, dairy and meat in their most un-tampered-with forms. When you think about it, foods that can sit on a shelf for months and months and not change at all are not so appealing. It has also resulted in less money spent at the grocery store, which is great!
It’s not like I’m baking all my own bread, but I am trying to cook meals more often, and make a homemade dessert once a week. It’s fun to experiment and create my own recipes with less fat and sugar, and more whole grains. And I’m trying things I’ve never made before. I’ll share some good recipes soon!


  1. cooking is so fun! i'm falling in love with my crock pot. i also started a meal share thing with sam and dalaiah at work where we each make one huge meal a week and split it between us - then i have 3 meals for the price of one (larger) one, and i have 2 nights where i have ready-made homemade dinners! it's been awesome!

  2. I also love using whole foods and cooking from scratch. I do that as much as I can, but of course I am limited by time. I'm always looking for ways to have it all - meals made from whole foods, that taste good, and take very little time! I look forward to your recipes!
